【同义词辨析】 2017-11-20 忠实faithful-resolute

faithful: implies unswerving adherence to a person or thing or to the oath or promise by which a tie was contracted: ~ to her marriage vows.   a tie was contracted形成关系,contract合同、签合同     (promiseoathvow都是承诺,表示答应要做某事或不做某事,promise泛指承诺、不正式,如I promise to help you with your homework tomorrow我答应帮你写作业;oath是正式承诺,常在正式场合,如保证说真话或坚守某种价值,常有法律或宗教意义,如I took an oath to tell the truth in court我在法庭承诺讲真话;vow是庄严的承诺,常和个人相关,如结婚、宗教效忠,通常有强烈的感情色彩,如they exchanged vows to love and support each other for life during their wedding ceremony婚礼上他们承诺永远互爱互助)

loyal: implies firm resistance to any temptation to desert or betray: the army remained ~ to the czar.   desert抛弃

constant: stresses continuing firmness of emotional attachment without necessarily implying strict obedience to promises or vows: ~ lovers.

staunch: suggests fortitude and resolution in adherence and imperviousness to influences that would weaken it: a ~ defender of free speech.   fortitude坚忍坚韧: 坚强地忍受艰苦和困难firm in enduring physical or mental hardships and suffering         fortitude and resolution的首字母FR联想法国人,韧性决心

steadfast: implies a steady and unwavering course in love, allegiance, or conviction: ~ in their support of democratic principles.   steady稳定,表示不间断不震动    waver特指做出决定后又犹豫动摇

resolute: emphasizes firm determination to adhere to a course or purpose: ~ in his determination to see justice done.     staunchresolute都表示坚定的决心,程度最强,steadfast则强调不动摇

faithful忠诚:泛指对人或事或承诺的坚持(unswerving adherence),loyal忠诚:表示能抵抗抛弃背叛等诱惑,constant忠诚:强调持久忠诚,无论是否严格,staunch忠实:强调坚韧不动摇决心,steadfast忠实:对感情誓言信念等的坚定不移,resolute坚决:强调坚定决心做某事

记忆方法: 1)首字母FLCSSR排列成LF龙凤SSRC时时如此<==优秀的人时时忠实       "",从心中声,本义为"尽心竭力、竭诚"。中和心合用表示"心意集中,心无旁骛",也就是竭诚、尽心竭力。如忠诚忠信忠厚忠实效忠忠于人民/婚姻/誓言/家庭,古代特指对君主尽心竭力,即忠君

          2)忠实的意思是坚定效忠mean firm in adherence to whatever one owes allegiance.